About Revonto
Revonto is indicated, with appropriate supportive measures, for the treatment of malignant hyperthermia
How to Use
Revonto (dantrolene sodium for injection) is indicated, along with appropriate supportive measures, for the management of the fulminant hypermetabolism of skeletal muscle characteristic of malignant hyperthermia crises in patients of all ages.
Revonto is also indicated preoperatively, and sometimes postoperatively, to prevent or attenuate the development of clinical and laboratory signs of malignant hyperthermia in individuals judged to be malignant hyperthermia susceptible.
Revonto has a shelf life of 36 months* and
is ready to administer in 2o seconds†
*from the date of manufacture
† or until solution is clear
How to administer
Revonto should be administered by continuous rapid intravenous push as soon as the malignant hyperthermia reaction is recognized (i.e., tachycardia, tachypnea, central venous desaturation, hypercarbia, metabolic acidosis, skeletal muscle rigidity, increased utilization of anesthesia circuit carbon dioxide absorber, cyanosis and mottling of the skin, and, in many cases, fever).